About Me

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I love to teach and I love math. Teaching has always been a passion since I was in 5th grade. I gained a love of math later in eighth grade. I have been told that I always have a smile on my face and a song in my heart which is the best description of me.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tech Learning Curve

I had never used prezi before the other day. I had seen a prezi and a teacher at my school here in China gave a presentation about how to use it with the rest of the staff. However I had not played around with it. 

At first it took a while to find a template I wanted to use. There was a lot of options of templates that were really cool. I however had think about what information I was presenting and how it related to the template. I choose a template that did not necessarily directly connect. However as I thought about where I wanted to put the information I realized that the template did connect in a way. For example I really wanted to put safety by the skull because those two things connect and evoke the same emotions.  Then I got to the real important and applicable part which I think is the real treasure (since the classroom is so important I made it the treasure on the treasure map). I spent a long time trying to figure out how I was going to present the resources and my ideas about the lesson plan I had in mind. I tried including links, but did not know how to embed them. I stepped away from the project for a long time so I could get a fresh perspective. I looked into what objects I could insert and I saw you could insert videos. Then I knew that I could use screenr to record a video that would display the resources I wanted to present while I talked about how I would use the resource in the classroom. 

After all that it was quick and easy to use. I got a hang of it really fast. However I am perfecionist and organizer that wants my presentation just so. It took me a long time to get everything like I wanted it. I was not sure how to include links and didn't want to just have some icky link sitting in the presentation. However I saw you could include videos into the presentation and that ended up working fantastic. 

Although then I spent a long time making the videos. I had to get them just right. So I recorded the videos a few times until I had it right. 

It took a while to upload the videos online and into the prezi. So as things were uploading I used my other computer that I own, which is a google chrome book, to write my blog post to accompany the prezi. I was able to write the post then e-mail it directly to my blog. 

Once uploading was finished I played around with how the path worked and where I wanted to go in the prezi. This took some time only because I did not know how to zoom out and drag things at first. However I got a hang of it pretty quickly. 

Then I made sure that I could share the link to this prezi easily with people. It took me a while to find where the privacy settings were, but using the support page on the prezi website I found how to make the video public. 

Then I went through my blog post and linked to all the websites I talked about and the resources I talked about. I also added a link to the prezi now that I had made it public. 

Planning out presentation and research 2 hours: sketching out how to use prezi, where to put information, how to summarize information, how to include information in prezi, exploring ISTE wiki and resources offered

Prezi creation and accompanying blog 5 hours: making screenr videos describing lesson plans, uploading screenr videos to web and prezi presentation, editing path of prezi, making sure prezi was public and accessible to all, writing blog post to accompany prezi, including links in blog to resources used in prezi and other useful resources

Ed703: Ed Tech Leadership Hour Log

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